Mark Benevolent Fund Cumbrian Donation
8th October 2015
At the RAM Grand investiture yesterday it was announced that the PGM for Cumberland and Westmorland had opened a flood appeal raising monies to assist those unfortunate people caught up in the appalling flood damage in Cumbria.
As a result the Mark Benevolent fund has sent an immediate donation of £25000.00 towards this appeal.
It is pleasing to report that our Mark province have also now sent a donation from the West Lancs Mark Charities in the sum of £2500.00 to the appeal.
At the same time any Mark brethren who are aware of any urgent requests for donations from those areas within our province who are suffering from flood damage, or indeed any brother who might be affected,  are requested to contact their local lodge charity stewards where the requests will be looked at as a matter of urgency.
V.W.Bro Michael Clarke
Asst. PGM